Down with University Book Store


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This page is dedicated to all (but especially to myself damn it) who have been screwed by university bookstores across the nation. To the intense hate of the University Bookstore

Now, after having attended the University of Wisconsin Madison for going on my third year, the string, a finally thread one of love hate relationship with the bookstore (more accurately tolerate hate relationship) HAS SNAPPED. The following brief but growing items that follow (the page is still under construction) expresses exactly what I'm feeling. I'm sure many that read this can relate. Enjoy. Down with the Bookstore

Ode to the University Bookstore

How early do I go to reap
the "benefits" of a "broader" selection of
used textbooks--the reality of disorganization,
chaos, and a destroyed paperback for
$9.95. Oh the love I feel as I gaze
upon your numerous open gaps,
the reminants of the important textbook
needed for my first class, and how upon
being asked, you (oh faithful attendant)
stare blankly away--longing
lust a deep understanding? rather greed
mistrust, for 30 minutes I've been standing (waiting
for some damn attention or information).
Is the student an enemy? Guerilla tactics
the remedy? how do you so stealthy go,
and empty my pockets but have no mo' books in sto'!
Oh university bookstore my heart flutters and
stops, Highway robbery call the cops?!! No, just
buy back an $120 book for let's say five dollars tops.
But this love hate, ok all hate relationship,
it will never cease, the asshole-university
is gonna' have me for keeps, another year
wasted, $10,000 in the hole, with such a prospect
it's easier to love Bob Dole.

copyright 2001 by Eric R. Miller

University Bookstore leaders gather on weekends....
the mystery behind why none of the books we need are ever in stock.

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Copyright 1997 The History Place All Rights Reserved